General questions and answers about

this Festival Registration


1. Can you send the tickets by mail?

Making sure to hand the tickets ( in case to lose the tickets during the delivery or delay the delivery) we are going to hand the tickets for the first day at the reception. You need to bring the copy of reservation form or to show your ID at the reception.


2. Do I need to write down the adress details?

You don't need to fill in the details of your adress, but we need a country, a state, and a cities name. We need to know the participants regional infomation for classify the infomation and make them as references for future events.


3. Any more professional dancers from non Asian regions? 

Currently we are asking more dancers from other regions including Argentine. We are going to announce the new infomation as soon as possible.

Also we have many Argentine dancers in Japan and we are asking them to join the festival too. We are going to announce them  on the festival website too as soon as it ic confirmed.



4. The application deadline is on 20th of November. How come is that early? Why not the deadline is the day before the festival day?

The procedure for making reservations completes after the payment is done. We set the applications deadline on 23th because of classifing participants members, setting seminaries and milongas, preparation for the tickets and etc. If you have some questions please do not hesitate to contact us.



2023 Tango Festival en Tokyo Team Staff,

Sae & Juan Carlos (Tokyo, Japan)





1. チケットを郵送してもらえませんか?




2. では、なぜ申し込みメールに、住所を記載しなければならないのですか?





3. アジア以外の国から、プロダンサーは参加しないのですか?






4. 前売り券の申し込み締め切りが11月20日となっていますが、前日までに購入の申し込みをすれば前売り扱いとなるのが通常だと思います。どうして、前売りの申し込み期限が早いのですか?
