(Early Bird prolongs until Sunday 17 of November)
*前売り(Early Bird)は11月17日まで!!以降の受付は当日扱いになります!!
Advance tickets (Early Bird) are available until November 17th!!
After that, tickets will be sold on the day price!!
FULL PACKAGE (11/22,11/23, 11/24 & 11/25)= 26,000 yens!!
(Championship POSTPONED/延期). CLOSED!!
Day & Time | Code |
Event Title |
Venue Name |
11月22日(金)/November, Friday 22 | |||
Open Door 18:00 Milonga Time 18:30~22:30
20:00~20:30 International Guest Performance |
" Opening Milonga" (Guest Tango Artists performance TBA) Guest DJ: ANTHONY MILLER (Sydney/Australia) Dress Code: colorful(カラフル) Early Bird/前売 ¥4,500 (FINISHED) At a Door/ ¥5,500 Championship/(¥5,000/1person)
Ginza Libertango 7 Floor (Ginza/HigashiGinza) 銀座リベルタンゴ |
Milonga Time 23:30~03:30 Close (with extention time 延長あり)
M1b C2 |
"AFTER MILONGA" Dress Code: Free/自由 Guest DJ: JENNY (Singapore) Early Bird/前売 ¥3,500 (FINISHED) At a Door/ ¥4,000
Ginza Libertango 7 Floor (Ginza/HigashiGinza) 銀座リベルタンゴ |
11月23日(土曜日)/Nobember, Saturday 23 | |||
Open Door 18:00 Milonga Time 18:15~22:30
20:00~20:30 International Guest &Team Performance
"PASIONAL MILONGA" (Guests and Team Performance TBA) Dress code: RED/赤 Guest DJ : JAY HW (Seoul, Korea) Early Bird/前売 ¥5,500 (FINISHED) At a Door/ ¥6,500
The Zest 3 Floor (Roppongi) ザゼスト 六本木 |
Milonga Time 23:30~03:30 Close (with extention time延長あり)
"AFTER MILONGA" Dress Code: Free/自由 Guest DJ: Epitone (Seoul, Korea) Early Bird/前売 ¥3,500 (FINISHED) At a Door/ ¥4,000
GINZA・LIBERTANGO 7 Floor (Ginza/HigashiGinza) 銀座リベルタンゴ |
11月24日(日曜日)/November, Sunday 24 | - | - | - |
Open Door 16:00 Milonga Time 16:30~21:00
18:00~18:30 Team Performance 20:00~20:30 International Guest Performance
M3a |
"EMOTIONAL MILONGA"!! (Guest Artists Performance, TBA) Dress Code: SHINE/キラキラ Guest DJ: DADA (Seoul, Korea) Early Bird/前売 ¥5,500 (FINISHED) At the Door/ ¥6,500
TOYOSU CIVIC CENTER Recreation Hall 7 Floor (Toyosu) 豊洲シビックセンター7階 レクホール |
Milonga Time 23:30~03:30 (with extention time延長あり) |
M3b |
"AFTER・MILONGA" Dress Code: Free/自由 Guest DJ: BILLY LEE (Seoul, Korea) Early Bird/前売 ¥3,500 (FINISHED) At the Door/ ¥4,000
GINZA・LIBERTANGO 7 Floor (Ginza/HigashiGinza) 銀座リベルタンゴ
11月25日 (月曜日)/November, Monday25 | - | ||
Milonga Time 18:30~22:20 20:30~21:00 International Guest Performance |
M4a |
"FAREWELL MILONGA" (Guest Artists PerformanceTBA) Dress Code: BLUE / 青 Guest DJ: BAY HE (Shanghai/China) Early Bird/前売 ¥5,500 (FINISHED) At the Door/ ¥6,500
Central Terrace Tokyo 5 Floor (Meijijingumae/Harajyuku) セントラルテラス東京 (明治神宮前/原宿)
FULL PACKAGE (11/22,11/23, 11/24 & 11/25)= 26,000 yens!!
・お申込みの際には、MilongaとChampionshipのコードナンバー(Code Number)の事前選択でのお申込みをお願い致します。
*When applying, please Choose the Milonga Code numbers in advance.(M1a, M1b, M2a, M2b, M3a, M3b, M4a )
【お申込み方法について】 【HOW to APPLY】
下記 「お申込みに際する注意事項」をご確認の上、お申込みください。
Read the following instruction and the important notices. Please send an e-mail to the office (Tango Festival en Tokyo e-mail address is down after the notices).
1. 必要事項(下記)を記入のうえ、事務局宛にメールにてお申込みください。
Please write down the following information and attach them to the e-mail to send.
*事務局メールアドレス / Mail address for the office:
Japanese& English:tokyotangojpn@gmail.com
① 日本国在住者 あるいは、海外在住者の別 / ①Country (Nationality)
② 氏名(フルネームをご記入ください)/ ②Name (Full name)
③ 性別(男性、女性)/ ③Gender (Male or Female)
④ 電話番号(連絡先)/ ④Phone Number
⑤ お住いの都道府県 (例 埼玉県さいたま市、東京都目黒区) / ⑤ Nationality and country of residence
⑥ 参加希望Code / ⑥Registration Code for Main Milonga and After-Milonga, and Championship
( M1a, M1b, M2a, M2b, M3a, M3b, M4a )
*事務局メールアドレス / Mail address for the office:
Japanese& English:tokyotangojpn@gmail.com
[An Oversea Applicant]
2. You will receive an "application completion email" from the Tango Festival Tokyo branch.
3. The total amount will be listed in the application completion email.
Present the completion email at the festival reception on the first day of participation and pay in Japanese yen.
4. You can then collect your festival ticket.
3.「予約受付メール」にお申込み合計金額と振込み先銀行口座の情報が記載されていますので、事務局からのメール受領後3営業日を目途に料 金をお振込みください。お振込みの完了をもって、お申込み手続きが完了します。
4.入金確認後、事務局から「予約完了メール」 が届きます。「予約完了メール」のメール受信画面、またはプリントアウトを当日会場受付にて提示してください。 お申込みいただいたFestival開催期間中のチケットをお渡しいたします。
l 前売り券の申し込み期限は11月17日です。以降は当日券扱いとなりますのでご留意ください。
The applications deadline prolongs to Sunday 17 of November. After that all the additional tickets for Milongas (Main and After-Milongas) are able to purchase at the reception (only when the room is available).
l ご予約いただいたチケットは、ご来場いただく初日にお渡しいたします。お渡し後、いかなる場合(紛失、焼失、破損等)においても再発行は致しませんので、 大切に保管して下さい。
The reserved tickets are going to be handed at the first day of the festival. Once those tickets are handed, there are no reissue for any reason. Please keep them safe and do not lose them.
l お客様の都合による代金お支払後のキャンセル、変更はいかなる場合もお受けできませんので、予めご了承下さい。なお、追加のお申込みは可能です。
After the payment was done, you cannot cancel nor change the reserved program (You can purchase additional Milonga on the door if they are available). We would appreciate your understanding.
*6th. TANGO FESTIVAL en TOKYO / 2024 Tango Festival en Tokyo Team Staff and Sae & JuanCarlos
website https://www.tangofestivalentokyo.com/
*事務局メールアドレス / Mail address for the office:
English & Japanese:tokyotangojpn@gmail.com